Chocolate Cake Recipe from The Corvallis Gazette
- 2 Eggs (sepáráted)
- 1 ½ Cups of Sugár
- 1 ¾ Cups of Sifted Cáke Flour
- ¾ Teáspoons of Báking Sodá
- ¾ Teáspoons of Sált
- ½ Cup of Cooking Oil
- 1 Cup of Buttermilk
- 2 Squáres of Unsweetened Chocoláte or ½ Cup of Hershey’s Cocoá
- 1 Táblespoon of Shortening
- Mix together flour ánd cocoá powder in á lárge bowl
- Add sugár, báking powder, ánd sált
- Mix well
- Sepáráte eggs ánd ádd egg whites to á sepáráte bowl
- Whisk until frothy while ádding sugár
- Add cooking oil, butter, ánd hálf of buttermilk to bowl of dry ingredients
- Mix well
- Add remáining buttermilk
- Add egg yolks
- Add frothy egg whites
- Mix well
- Pour bátter into two greásed báking páns
- Táp páns to releáse áir bubbles
- Báke for 40 minutes át 325º
- Remove cákes from páns ánd ádd láyer of frosting between them before stácking
- Frost the outside of the cáke
- Slice ánd enjoy
- Mix together butter, cocoá powder, vánillá, ánd án egg
- Add creám ánd mix
- Add powdered sugár until bátch thickens
Recipe notes
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