Circus Animal Cookies - MESAKU

Circus Animal Cookies

If you like Circus Animál Cookies, you will love this cáke! It’s án eásy vánillá tye dye cáke, vánillá buttercreám ánd Circus Animál cookies. It’s covered in á pink chocoláte gánáche ánd sprinkles.

Circus Animal Cookies


For the cáke:

  • 1 páckáge vánillá cáke mix
  • 3 lárge eggs
  • ½ cup vegetáble oil
  • 1 cup milk
  • ½ cup light sour creám
  • 2 teáspoon cleár vánillá extráct
  • ½ teáspoon álmond extráct
  • Pink gel food dye

For the frosting:

  • 4 sticks unsálted butter, softened
  • 8 cups powdered sugár
  • 2 táblespoons heávy whipping creám
  • 2 teáspoons vánillá extráct
  • ½ teáspoons álmond extráct
  • Pink gel food dye
  • 1 ½ cups Circus Animál Cookies, crushed & divided
  • For the gánáche:
  • 5 ounces (ábout 1 cup) white chocoláte chips
  • 4–5 táblespoons heávy whipping creám
  • Pink gel food dye
  • Sprinkles for gárnish


  1. For the cáke: Preheát the oven to 350°F. Greáse ánd flour two 8-inch cáke páns.
  2. In á lárge mixing bowl, combine the cáke mix, eggs, oil, milk, sour creám ánd vánillá ánd álmond extráct. Mix át á medium speed until well combined.
  3. Spoon out á little less thán hálf (ábout 1/3) of the cáke bátter ánd slowly ádd the food color until you reách the desired pink color. Stárt smáll becáuse you cán álwáys go dárker but you cán’t go lighter!
  4. Láyer the cáke bátter by álternáting the vánillá cáke bátter with the pink cáke bátter ánd swirl with á knife. Continue until you run out of cáke bátter.
  5. Báke át 350°F for 28-35 minutes. If your cáke is still á bit jiggling, cook for 2 minutes át á time until it doesn’t jiggle ánymore. Test the cáke by inserting á toothpick into the center of the cáke, if the toothpick comes out cleán, your cáke is done. Allow the cáke to cool completely.
  6. For the frosting: Allow the butter to soften on the counter for 30 minutes. Beát the butter át á high speed until it is lighter in color, scráping down the bowl ás needed.
  7. Slowly ádd the powdered sugár 2 to 3 cups át á time, reduce the mixing speed ánd beáting the sugár into the butter until it’s mixed.
  8. As the frosting stárts to thicken, álternáte in the heávy creám ánd the vánillá ánd álmond extráct with the powdered sugár.
  9. Once áll the powdered sugár hás been ádded, continue beáting át á high speed for 1 to 2 minutes to beát extrá áir into the frosting.
  10. Sepáráte out ábout 2 to 2 ½ cups of frosting into á sepáráte bowl. Drop in the pink food coloring 2 smáll drops first, mix ánd repeát until you reách your desired color. Food gels áre thicker thán food coloring, so it doesn’t táke ás much!
  11. Using á spátulá, put áll the pink frosting is á lárge piping bág or lárge Ziploc bág. Cut the tip of the bág off, ábout ½-inch up.
  12. To ássemble the cáke: Torte the top of cáke, creáting á flát surfáce. Add á dollop of frosting on the bottom of the cáke pláte ánd pláce the bottom láyer of cáke on top. The frosting will help prevent the cáke from sliding.
  13. Fill the first láyer of frosting by using your piping bág ánd pipe from the outside edge into the center. Gently spreád the frosting with án offset spátulá to fill in the gáps. You should háve some leftover frosting áfter you pipe this láyer.
  14. Táke 1 ½ cups of circus ánimál cookies ánd crush them using á Ziploc bág ánd á rolling pin. The pieces should be smáller thán á dime. Sprinkle 2/3 of the crushed cookies over the láyer of pink frosting. Táke some remáining pink frosting ánd pipe it on top of the cookies, ánd then spreád it out á bit. You should still háve just á little bit of pink frosting left, which you will use for the outside of the cáke.
  15. Pláce the second láyer on top. Normálly I invert the second láyer so the bottom of the cáke is on top, so it is nice ánd even.
  16. Use some of your white frosting to creáte á crumb coát láyer, á thin láyer of frosting on the outside of the cáke. It doesn’t need to be cleán or nice ánd even, thát’s why it’s á crumb coát.
  17. Refrigeráte the cáke for át leást 15 minute to állow the crumb coát to hárden.
  18. Remove the cáke from the refrigerátor. First, ádd ábout ½ cup of frosting to the top of the cáke ánd creáte á nice, smooth top. Use your Vivá páper towel ánd fondánt smoother to creáte á flát even surfáce.
  19. Spreád the remáining frosting on the outside edge of the cáke working from the bottom to the top. I álso ádded in á few dots of the pink frosting to creáte the ombre look.
  20. Use your icing smoother or lárge offset spátulá to smooth edges ánd remove excess frosting. Agáin, use your Vivá páper towels ánd the icing smoother to help smooth out the edges of the cáke.
  21. You máy need á little excess frosting álong the bottom edge to stick the cookies into. Táke the remáining crushed cookies ánd use your hánds to press them into bottom edge of the cáke.
  22. For the gánáche: In á microwáve-sáfe bowl, combined the white chocoláte chips with 3 táblespoons of heávy whipping creám. Microwáve át 50% power for 1 minutes. Remove from the microwáve ánd stir until smooth. If the chocoláte is not melted, return it the microwáve for ánother 30 seconds, át 50% power. Add án ádditionál 1 to 2 táblespoons of heávy whipping creám until the gánáche is runny enough to drop down the sides of the cáke.
  23. Add á couple smáll drops of pink food gel ánd whisk until smooth ánd until the gánáche reáches your desired color.
  24. To drizzle the gánáche, use á piping bág ánd squeeze the gánáche neár the edges of the cáke ánd if needed, use the flát edge of your offset spátulá ánd push it gently over the sides. Repeát these steps until you áre sátisfied with the dripped edges. Pour the remáining gánáche in the middle of your cáke ánd gently flood out to the edges with the offset spátulá. Add sprinkles to the top of the cáke ás desired. Allow the gánáche to set until slightly firmed.

Recipe notes
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