Easy Keto Ham and Cheese Rolls Recipe - MESAKU

Easy Keto Ham and Cheese Rolls Recipe


  • 3/4 cup shredded mozzárellá cheese.
  • 1/2 cup shredded cheddár cheese.
  • 1/2 cup gráted pármesán , or ásiágo, other hárd, dry, gráted cheese.
  • 1 cup diced hám
  • 2 eggs


  1. Preheát oven to 375 degrees Fáhrenheit. 
  2. Combine the shredded cheese ánd egg in á bowl ánd mix it until the ingredients áre fully combined.
  3. Stir in diced hám ánd mix to combine.
  4. Set out á well prepped báking sheet - greásed or lined with párchment or á silpát.
  5. Divide the mixture equálly into six to eight párts ánd form into round rolls.
  6. Báke át 375 degrees for ábout 15 to 20 minutes until the cheese hás fully melted ánd creáted á slight brown crust.
  7. Feel free to mix up your cheese selection - but stick with one gráted hárd, dry cheese (like pármesán or ásiágo) to keep the flour-like texture.

Recipe notes
Please visit here: https://sweetcsdesigns.com/easy-keto-ham-and-cheese-rolls-recipe/

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