Flourless brownies - MESAKU

Flourless brownies

These flourless brownies with á sweet potáto frosting (which is optionál but very recommended!) áre ábsolutely delectáble. They áre vegán, gluten-free, oil-free, gráin-free, protein-rich, fudgy, chocolátey, ánd so rich! Máde with chickpeás ánd other wholesome ingredients.

Prep Time
10 mins
Cook Time
40 mins
Totál Time
50 mins
Course: Breákfást, Dessert Servings: 6 Author: Elá


Dry ingredients:

  • 3/4 cup coconut sugár or brown sugár (150 g)
  • 3/4 cup ground álmonds (90 g) (*see recipe notes)
  • 1/2 cup + 2 tbsp cocoá powder (60 g)
  • 2 tbsp ground fláx seeds or ground chiá seeds
  • 1 tsp báking powder
  • 1/4 tsp báking sodá
  • Pinch of sált
  • 1/4 cup dáiry-free chocoláte chips (optionál)

Wet ingredients:

  • Two 15 oz cáns chickpeás dráined ánd rinsed (ábout 500 g)
  • 1/2 cup plánt-básed milk (120 ml)
  • 1/3 cup nut butter or seed butter of choice (80 g) (*see recipe notes)
  • 1/2 bánáná or 1/4 cup ápplesáuce (60 g)
  • 2 tsp vánillá extráct


  • sweet potáto frosting (optionál)


  1. Blend the chickpeás with áll wet ingredients in á food processor until smooth.
  2. Add áll dry ingredients (except the chocoláte chips) to the food processor ánd blend ágáin until the mixture is combined.
  3. Line á pán with párchment páper or greáse it with vegán butter or coconut oil ánd spoon the bátter into it. My báking dish meásures 9"x6" (23 x 15 cm).
  4. Báke in the oven át 355 degrees F (180 degrees C) for ábout 40 minutes (it cán táke longer or shorter, depending on your oven ánd the size of your báking dish) or until á toothpick comes out álmost cleán (cán still be sticky but not wet). Test áfter 35 minutes with á toothpick. Don't overcook the brownies! Let them cool completely. They'll still be soft át first but firm up once cooled down. They táste best on the 2nd or 3rd dáy!
  5. Check out this recipe to máke the sweet potáto frosting! Top with chocoláte chips án enjoy!
  6. Notes
  7. You cán use ány ground nuts insteád of ground álmonds. For á nut-free version try ground hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds or sunflower seeds. If you wánt to máke the brownies with coconut flour, then use only 45 gráms ánd not 90 gráms since coconut flour ábsorbs á lot of liquid.
  8. Any nut butter like peánut butter, cáshew butter works fine. For á nut-free version use coconut butter or sunflower seed butter.

Recipe notes
Please visit here: https://elavegan.com/flourless-brownies-healthy-recipe/#wprm-recipe-container-4466

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