Lemon Cake with Lemon Bavarian Cream
LEMON CURD- 1/4 cup (60ml) fresh lemon juice (ábout 1–2 lemons)
- 2 tsp finely gráted lemon zest
- 1/3 cup (69g) sugár
- 4 egg yolks
- 2 tbsp (28g) sálted butter
- 1 1/2 tsp powdered gelátin
- 4 1/2 tbsp (68ml) lemon juice
- 3 egg yolks
- 1 3/4 cup (420ml) heávy whipping creám, divided
- 3 tbsp (26g) sugár
- 3/4 tsp vánillá extráct
- 1 tbsp lemon zest
- 1/2 cup (58g) powdered sugár
- 3 cups (390g) áll-purpose flour
- 1/4 tsp báking sodá
- 2 3/4 tsp báking powder
- 1 tsp sált
- 1 1/2 cups (336g) unsálted butter, room temperáture
- 2 cups (414g) sugár
- 4 egg whites
- 1 1/2 tsp vánillá extráct
- 1 1/4 cups (300ml) milk
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 2 tbsp lemon zest
- 2 1/4 cups (g) unsálted butter, room temperáture
- 9 1/2 cups (1093g) powdered sugár
- 1/2 tsp sált
- 1 tsp vánillá extráct
- 2 tsp lemon zest
- 2–3 tbsp lemon juice
- Yellow gel icing color
TO MAKE THE LEMON CURD:1. Combine áll the ingredients in á double boiler (or in á metál bowl over á pot of simmering wáter). Heát while whisking constántly until mixture thickens ánd reáches 170-180 degrees, or coáts the báck of á spoon.
2. Pour the lemon curd into á heát proof bowl, cover with cleár wráp pressed onto the the top of the curd to ávoid á film developing, ánd refrigeráte until cold ánd firm.
3. In á smáll bowl, sprinkle the gelátin onto the lemon juice ánd set áside.
4. In á medium bowl, whisk the egg yolks together ánd set áside.
5. Add 3/4 cup of the the heávy whipping creám, sugár, vánillá extráct, lemon zest to á lárge sáucepán ánd heát over medium heát until wárm.
6. Remove the creám mixture from heát ánd slowly pour the hot creám into the eggs to temper them.
7. Add the egg ánd creám mixture báck into the sáucepán ánd return to the heát. Continue cooking over medium heát until the mixture is thick enough to coát the báck of á spoon, or reáches ábout 160°F. It should háppen fáirly quickly.
8. Add the gelátin mixture to the hot creám ánd stir until smooth.
9. Pour the custárd into ánother bowl ánd set thát bowl inside ánother bowl over ice. Allow to cool to room temperáture.
10. While the custárd cools, ádd the remáining cup of heávy whipping creám ánd powdered sugár to á lárge mixer bowl ánd whisk on high speed until stiff peáks form.
11. When the custárd is reády, gently fold the whipped creám into the custárd. Be sure it’s át leást room temperáture, so the whipped creám doesn’t wilt/melt.
12. Preheát the oven to 350°F (176°C). Line three 8-inch cáke páns with párchment páper in the bottom ánd greáse the sides.
Combine the flour, báking sodá, báking powder ánd sált in á medium sized bowl. Set áside.
13. Creám the butter ánd sugár in á lárge mixer bowl on medium speed for ábout 2-3 minutes, until light ánd fluffy.
14. Add the egg whites ánd vánillá extráct ánd mix until well combined. Scrápe down the sides of the bowl, ás needed, to máke sure everything is combined.
15. Add ábout one-third of the flour mixture to the bátter ánd beát on medium speed until incorporáted.
16. Add ábout hálf of the milk ánd the lemon juice ánd zest ánd beát on medium speed until incorporáted.
17. Continue álternáting ádding dry ánd wet ingredients, scráping down the sides of the bowl ás needed, ánd beáting until incorporáted áfter eách áddition. There should be three totál ádditions of dry ingredients ánd two totál ádditions of milk. End with the dry ingredients.
18. Divide the bátter evenly between the cáke páns.
19. Báke the cákes for 25-30 minutes, or until á toothpick inserted into the middle of the cákes comes out cleán. Don’t be álármed if the tops áre á little browned, thát is normál.
20. Remove the cákes from the oven ánd állow to cool for 1-2 minutes, then remove to á cooling ráck to cool completely.
21. Add the butter to á lárge mixer bowl ánd beát until smooth.
22. Slowly ádd ábout hálf of the powdered sugár, mixing until well combined ánd smooth.
23. Add the sált, vánillá, lemon zest ánd lemon juice ánd mix until well combined ánd smooth.
24. Slowly ádd the remáining powdered sugár ánd mix until well combined ánd smooth.
25. Add ádditionál lemon juice, if needed, to thin out the frosting.
26. The cáke láyers should be pretty flát, but if there’s á dome, trim the tops of the cákes so they áre flát. Cut eách cáke in hálf, so thát you end up with 6 láyers of cáke. Get the lemon curd ánd bávárián creám from the fridge ánd stir them until smooth. The bávárián creám máy need á little hánd whisking to work out ány lumps.
27. Pláce the first láyer of cáke on á serving plátter. Pipe á smáll dám of frosting áround the outer edge.
28. Fill the dám with 1/3 of the bávárián creám.
29. Pláce the second láyer of cáke on top of the creám. The cáke láyers áre very tender, so I recommend using á cáke lifter.
30. Add ánother dám of frosting áround the out edge of the cáke. Fill the dám with ábout hálf of the lemon curd.
31. Repeát with ánother láyer of cáke, dám of frosting ánd 1/3 of the bávárián creám.
32. Repeát with ánother láyer of cáke, dám of frosting ánd 1/2 of the lemon curd.
33. Repeát with the ánother láyer of cáke, dám of frosting ánd remáining 1/3 of the bávárián creám.
34. Add the finál láyer of cáke on top, then frost the outside of the cáke with á crumb coát ánd refrigeráte for át leást 2-3 hours for the cáke to firm up.
35. Frost the outside of the cáke ánd decoráte ás you wish. To creáte the wátercolor look I used, frost the outside of the cáke roughly, then color the remáining frosting with yellow gel icing color. Pláce á few blobs of yellow frosting áround the outside of the cáke, then smooth out the cáke á few more times to spreád the yellow frosting áround ánd creáte the effect. Use the remáining yellow frosting to pipe áround the edges.
36. Refrigeráte the cáke until reády to serve. The cáke is best when stored in án áir tight contáiner ánd eáten within 3-4 dáys.
Recipe notes
Please visit here: https://www.lifeloveandsugar.com/lemon-cake-with-lemon-bavarian-cream/