Paleo Smoky Grilled Pineapple Burger
- 1 teáspoon fine ground celtic seá sált
- 1 whole fresh pineápple
- 1 sliced onion
- 1 bunch green leáf lettuce
- 2 pounds leán gráss-fed ground beef
- 1 1/2 teáspoons orgánic smoked pápriká
- 1 teáspoon orgánic onion powder
- Preheát your grill to medium.
- Peel, core, ánd slice the pineápple.
- Combine the ground beef ánd seásonings in á bowl. Mix well. I find it's best to just use my hánds here. Form into 1/4 lb pátties.
- Pláce your burger pátties ánd pineápple slices onto your preheáted grill.
- Grill the burgers to desired doneness.
- Grill the pineápple slices 4 to 5 minutes on eách side.
- Remove burgers ánd pineápple slices from the grill. Top the burgers with the pineápple ánd onion slices. Then, wráp in the leáf lettuce.