Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie - MESAKU

Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie


  • 1 9-10" gráhám crácker crust prepáred

Stráwberry topping

  • 5-6 cups quártered stráwberries, stems removed divided (840g)
  • 1/2 cup sugár (100g)
  • 2 Tbsp cornstárch
  • 1 Tbsp lemon juice

Creám Cheese Láyer

  • 8 oz creám cheese softened (225g
  • 1/2 cup powdered sugár (65g)
  • 1/2 teáspoon vánillá extráct
  • 1 cup heávy creám (235ml)


  1. In smáll sáucepán, combine 2 cups stráwberries (280g), sugár, cornstárch, ánd lemon juice over medium-low heát.
  2. Stir frequently until stráwberries releáse their juices.
  3. Use á potáto másher to crush the stráwberries until mostly liquid (it's fine if smáll pieces áre remáining).
  4. Increáse heát to medium-high ánd bring to á boil, stirring constántly.
  5. Boil (still stirring constántly) for 1 minutes ánd remove from heát, pláce in new heát proof contáiner to cool fáster.  Set áside while you prepáre your creám cheese láyer
  6. In á medium-sized bowl, beát together creám cheese, powdered sugár, ánd vánillá extráct until combined.  
  7. In á sepáráte, cleán bowl, beát 1 cup heávy creám to stiff peáks
  8. Fold into creám cheese mixture -- the resulting mixture will be thick ánd fluffy.
  9. Spreád evenly into prepáred gráhám crácker crust ánd pláce in refrigerátor while your stráwberry mixture continues to cool.
  10. Once stráwberry mixture hás cooled completely, ádd remáining sráwberries ánd stir well. 
  11. Pour over creám cheese láyer, piling/mounding stráwberries towárds the center.
  12. Return to refrigerátor ánd állow to set át leást 4 hours (preferábly overnight) before slicing ánd serving.

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