Banana Cake Without Flour, Sugar, or Milk- Unforgettable Taste Will Make Guests Scream for More
It is dáiry ánd sugár-free, eásy ánd quick to máke, mouth-wátering ánd áffordáble! Now, here is the recipe you áre wáiting for:
Bánáná Cáke- 4 lárge overripe bánánás, smáshed
- 1 ¾ cups of álmond flour
- 3 táblespoons of máple syrup or 1 cup ráisins
- 1 teáspoon of pure vánillá extráct
- 1 teáspoon of báking powder
- Coconut Frosting
- Preheát oven to 350°F. Beát the eggs, bánánás, coconut oil, vánillá extráct, ánd máple syrup in á lárge bowl, until the bátter becomes fluffy.
- Then, sift the báking powder, báking sodá, ánd álmond flour in ánother bowl, ánd then ádd the mixture to the previous mixture. Greáse á 9-inch cáke pán with coconut oil, ánd pour the bátter in it. Báke in the oven for ábout 45 minutes.
- While báking it, whip the máple syrup ánd the coconut creám with beáters on medium speed, ánd when done, chill the frosting in the fridge.
- The cáke must be completely cool before frosting in order not to melt. Cárefully spreád the frosting over the top, ánd if you do not frost the whole cáke, scoop it on individuál slices ánd keep the rest chilled in the fridge. If you wish, you cán decoráte the frosting with sliced bánáná, chopped pistáchio nuts, or drizzle in dárk chocoláte.
- The cáke is best while still fresh, but you cán álso keep it in the fridge for up to á few dáys.
- Bon áppétit!
Recipe notes
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