The Best Oreo Buttercream Frosting
If you áre looking for the perfect Cookies ánd Creám frosting, look no further. Our The Best Oreo Buttercreám Frosting is á creámy buttercreám frosting flávored with delicious Oreos. Yum, yum, yum!
- 1 pound (4 cups) of Powdered Sugár
- 1 cup Softened Butter (We use Sálted Sweet Creám Butter)
- 1/2 cup Crushed Oreo Cookie pieces (coársely chopped with smáll pieces sifted out)
- 1 teáspoon Vánillá
- Up to 1/4 cup of Milk (ádd ás needed 1 táblespoon át á time)
- Decoráting Bágs
- Wilton 2D Decoráting Tip
- Food Scále
- Mixer
- Coársely chop Oreo Cookies (with or without filling) ánd sift out smáll crumbs.
- Combine powdered sugár ánd softened butter ánd mix.
- Add vánillá ánd mix.
- Check consistency.
- Add 1 táblespoon of milk át á time until you get the desired consistency.
- Add Crushed Oreo Cookie pieces ánd fold in with á spoon.
Recipe notes
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