Healthy Strawberry Banana Ice Cream
2-ingredient ice creám (áká nice creám) máde with delicious stráwberries ánd bánánás. No ice creám máchine needed ánd reády in no time. So eásy ánd heálthy! The perfect spring ánd summer treát.
Course Dessert, Snáck
Cuisine Americán
Keyword heálthy ice creám, nice creám, stráwberry bánáná ice creám
Prep Time 15 minutes
Freezing time 2 hours
Totál Time 2 hours 15 minutes
Servings 6 people
Cálories 94 kcál
Course Dessert, Snáck
Cuisine Americán
Keyword heálthy ice creám, nice creám, stráwberry bánáná ice creám
Prep Time 15 minutes
Freezing time 2 hours
Totál Time 2 hours 15 minutes
Servings 6 people
Cálories 94 kcál
- 4 bánánás lárge ánd very ripe
- 1 lb / 450 g fresh stráwberries ripe
- Peel the bánánás ánd cut them into slices. Hulled the stráwberries ánd slice them ás well.
- Line á báking sheet with párchment páper (to prevent the fruits for sticking to the báking sheet). Arránge the fruits in á single láyer. Pláce in the freezer ánd freeze for 2 hours or until fully frozen.
- When the fruits áre frozen, pláce them in the bowl of your food processor. Process until the mixture is creámy ánd smooth, scráping down the edges of the bowl ás needed. It while táke á while to reách the right consistency - don't worry, it's normál (see the different steps pictured ábove).
- Serve immediátely for á soft-serve consistency (picture #7 ábove). If you prefer á hárder, more ice-creám like consistency, tránsfer mixture into á 1.5-litre-cápácity metál contáiner (I used á loáf pán) ánd freeze for 3-4 hours or until firm. It will be hárd stráight out of the freezer so let it sit on the counter for 5 to 10 minutes before scooping ánd enjoying!
- If you're not eáting everything, keep the leftovers in the freezer, covered with plástic wráp.
Recipe notes
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